“Bird brain” might create new “challenges” fuh security

Some people does do some crazy things with de ultimate intention of getting away with them. Imagine a man carrying a set of living birds in he shirt sleeve and expect fuh pass unnoticed at a international airport! It was a classic case of Guyanese “ingenuity” gone wrong and of somebody actually gat something up dem sleeve! De man had nine birds up there! People who does keep birds like “Fire-red”, “Twa-twa”, “Moustache”, “Mountain” and so on fuh whistling purposes, know that generally, one bird does be in cage. Dem still trying fuh figure how de man carry nine in he sleeve and was still walking normally!
Dem want fuh know if he hands had to be outstretch as he was walking or if de nine birds tek up plenty space in he shirt sleeve that he look inflated like when astronaut dress up fuh go into space! Clearly that woulda mek he stand out and become “easy pickings” fuh de airport security! As a matter of fact, people want fuh know what kind of shirt he was wearing. Dem know it couldn’t be a tight one and asking if was one like what de late Colonel Gadafi use to wear! If that was de case then he coulda carry more than nine birds plus other animals, including a porcupine! People want fuh know if because of that incident, dem now gat fuh tek off dem shirt as part of security checks at airports!
Since 911, yuh gat fuh tek off yuh shoes, socks, belt and so on. Dem worried what gon happen at de airport security if somebody else get catch carrying birds in dem pants! That could cause people fuh travel only in dem undergarments creating a different “challenge” fuh security! What people still can’t get over is if de man was carrying de birds fuh de sole purpose of “whistle trading”, then he gat fuh expect de birds fuh whistle! De birds did. Only somebody with “bird brain” wouldn’t expect dem to! Generally, yuh would expect a person fuh blow de whistle, especially somebody who might be in de “trade”. In this case, de man can boast that de “product” was up to “standard!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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